Tuesday 23 February 2021




Features or postmodern product

-         Irony

-         Parody or homage= paying respects to a genre,style,person or product

-         Bricolage= sampling and using older media products in your own.

-         Intertextual reference

-         Fragmented narrative

-         Self-reflexivity

-         Common themes : what if, the future, technology, human existence

-         Loss of reality: more artifice, less realism – lacking verisimilitude= the amount of realism

Postmodernism & Baudrillard’s theory

-         Reality vs artificial

-         Thinks there is a loss of reality

-         We are surrounded by simulacra of media products

-         Simulacra become hard to tell apart from reality = hyperreality

-         Simulacrum is a copy of something with very little link to reality

-         Audiences often prefer simulacra to real life


Stranger things

-         Stranger Things can be described as hyperreal.  It is a representation that is based on other media representations.  The density of intertextuality that underpins Stranger Things results in a representation of small town America in the 1980s that is based on media texts of that era.