Wednesday 8 April 2020

Shelter advert notes

Asa- Advertising standards authority

  • Set strict rules for advertising in all media 
  • have power to 'pull' any advertisements of the tv,radio or press
  • ASA will investigate the complaint and make a choice to agree or disagree with the complaint
  • advertisers have to adhere to the ASA rules and regulations of advertising
They also cover:

  • how sales promotions are run- prize draws,competitions ect
  • how advertisers use your personal information to advertise to you e,g emails, texts
  • making sure consumers get the mail order goods or refunds when ordering from newspapers
Charity advertisement rules
  • handle with care and discretion matters to arouse strong emotions  in the audience 
  • not suggest that anyone will lack proper feeling 
  • respect the dignity of those on whose behalf an appeal  is being made
  • not contain comparisons with other charities
  • not mislead or misrepresent in any way about the charity 
  • avoid presenting an exaggerated impression of the scale
Media language & representation techniques in charity adverts
  • creation of sympathy for the subject of the charity 
  • creation of empathy for the subject of the charity (use of images)
    shock- make you feel that you have to contribute to the charitable cause
  • involvement- ice bucket challenge, race for life
  • annual budget £33.6 bn

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