Monday 9 September 2019



Describe - location, season, time period, weather
In detail
Setting- location, season, time period, weather
Theme- guilt, revenge, good vs evil, love
Icons- significant props such as a weapon or wallet
Narrative- how a story is told
Character- boy/girl, background
Textual analysis- style of camera, editing

Setting- It is dark and in doors however there is a bit of light coming through the window this makes me think that there is hope and that it doesn't end all badly. The is also no furniture in the room it is empty
Theme- it is a horror we can tell by the scary nun in the dark room, horror films normally have a scary person and the person that always survives. 
Icons- necklace with a cross on it this relates to god and they are hoping he will help
Narrative-  the nun is scary and is trying to scare people and hurt the kid
Characters- Girl standing by the window looking like shes about to fall or jump, a scary nun which is the scary person in the movie that no one likes, women holding the cross
Textual analysis-  Big capital letters saying the title of the film

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