Tuesday 10 September 2019

Genre task

The genre I had was Spy, I thought this picture wasn't the best for a spy movie but i thought someone hiding behind something makes you think of a Spy as spies can't be seen. Although you can see me it was because i was going to move position and be sneaky like spies are. I think the use of the black glasses created a spy look as spies wear black and normally do have classes. I also was holding a weapon because spies hold and carry them around. The background of the picture isn't very ideal.

This picture represents the genre Spy as he is wearing all black and has a weapon in his had. Most spies are boys. The location of the picture isn't the best because it is in the middle of a playground but the effect of him looking like he is going to run makes us think he is in the middle of some sort of mission. The use of the all black outfit gives of the spy look.
The other genre i had was Romance. I think this picture emphasizes love and romance as it is a couple looking so happy and touching each other. The smile on their faces show how happy they are together. No props was used in this image. To make it better i could've tried taking more photos using different angles.

This image shows romance as he is proposing, the use of the ring makes it seem so real. The smile on his face shows he is really happy with what he is about to do. This relates to romance as there is always a happy ending with a wedding or the boy and girl being together.. The good weather makes the mood even better as it creates the scene. 

This image shows some romance but not as good as the others as the only interaction they have is holding hands. They don't really look in love as they are looking away and not at eachother. This seems more like a friendship.

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