Thursday 12 September 2019

media language and theory

SEMIOTICS - the study of signs

-Choosing an image to represent the an idea
-Anything which stands for 'something else'

Denotation- what we see when we look at an image (what it is) 

Connotation - what we understand from this image

Stuart Hall

developed a theory audiences can have different reactions reactions to a media text whether it be a film or documentary. Polysemia theory 

Preferred reading - how the creator wants the audience to view the media text
Oppositional reading - where the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader

- the rose means a lot to belle as shes holding it delicately and sort of looking down at it
- she is the main character as well as the beast because they are bigger than the other characters
- the objects all move and play a part in the movie
-the man below belle fancies bell, bad character he is wearing red and so is his friend is wearing red this shows they could be the bad people in the film as the rest of the image is blue
- the beast people find scary by the way he looks and he lives in a castle as it is right by his side
- The beast looks angry by his face expression
- it looks quite magical by the castle and the color blue

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