Thursday 10 October 2019


Demographic profiling

A - higher management : bankers,lawyers,doctors
B-  middle management : teachers,graphic designers
C1- office supervisors,nurses,junior management,white collar jobs
C2- skilled manual workers,plumbers,builders,blue collar jobs
D- semi skilled and unskilled manual workers
E- unemployed,students,pensioners,casual workers

Psychological profiling

- resigned

What affects the way in which an audience responds to a media text ?
-age  -gender  - situated culture  -historical competence 
-ethnicity  - cultural experiences

film presentation


WWW- A lot of people said it was well laid out and well presented.There were a lot of facts and it was easy information to take in.

Even better if- There was more link between the films and audiences. Also if we added a link with popular genres and more information about the genres.

Thursday 3 October 2019


Representation- the way in which people,events and ideas are presented to the audience
- to break it down, the media takes something that is already there an re-presents it to us in the way that they choose.

Stereotypes- media industries use stereotypes use because the audience will instantly understand them. This of stereotypes as a 'visual shortcut'. They're so often that we assume they are normal or true.
Archetypes - This is the 'ultimate' stereotype.
Countertypes- a representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of groups,people or places.
Gatekeepers- any person involved in a media production with the power to make a decision about something the audience are allowed to read,hear or see.
This is a countertype towards women as rugby is a stereotypical sport for men. However women can play any sport they want and they are just as capable of playing a 'mans' sport.

She demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. For her activism, she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012, but survived and went on to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This is a countertype as people don't expect girls to stand up for what they believe in and Malala did that.

This would be another countertype as high heels are classed as a women shoe when in reality anyone can wear what they want.