Sunday 29 September 2019

Sound- Mcdoved

Diagetic/non diagetic-
On screen/off screen-
Volume/voice over-

The music is not diagetic and is quite and the is little dialogue underneath it. An important bit of dialogue is 'give me the glasses' as that is what they are fighting over. I think the music is quite parallel as it is dramatic and goes well with whats going on, There are a lot of sound effects which are over exaggerated to make it more dramatic when it comes to the action see when he is fighting the flying robots.

Camera shots

Friday 27 September 2019

Textual Analysis





Ghost Ship

Technique/feature                                                              Why is it there

screentime- the girl is on screen at pivotal parts           lets the audience identify her as  the central 
of the plot(when the mood changes and when              character, and establishes her as the guide
actions begin)                                                                through he film. This allows us too empathize
                                                                                       with her as an innocent victim

change in temps of the music                                        mood of the diagetic music is parallel to the      slow then faster then stops                                            plot.Slowly dies out as the people die. Silence 
                                                                                       at the end to enhance the scream.

speed of he transitions and the type of                         speed enhances the shock for the audience and 
transition changes, slow at the start,                             also creates complete confusion so that when 
slow fade ect then straight cuts at a fast pace               the bodies fall apart the horror is greater.

sound effects&volume                                                  'slash sound' 'squelching' - volume is                                                                                                         enhanced-adds to hyper realism, helps                                                                                                       understanding and gives the audience                                                                                                       satisfaction 
                                                                                      music goes echoey- changes pace-calm before                                                                                         the storm, foreshadowing of the ghostliness                                                                                              like being underwater (as ship soon will be)

Applying film language(camera,mise en scene, sound&editing)


The main part of the costume we notice is the tie the man wears when his wife changes it everyday. As his wife changes it they both get older and older this is a good way to show this as the type of tie changes at different ages. The non diagetic music is fast at the start when they are young this shows the happy emotions but as things start to fall apart the music slows down and gets sadder. One of the main transitions when things get sad is when they are decorating a babies bedroom and then it moves into a doctors room and the lighting turns low key. This is down to show the sadness of them not being able to have a baby, the angle of the camera makes us feel like we are outside in the waiting room as the 2 main characters are only in about 25% of the shot.

Cape Fear

In the trailer of cape fear the music is non diagetic and very dramatic, there is very little dialogue over the top of the music that we can hear. At the start the us of the camera angle is very clever as we don't really know where the man is until it tracks out and we can see that he is behind bars. The actor seems very smart from all the props that are used for example all the books that he has read. A transition is used from someone locking a gate to someone opening the gate this is done to show he is free from prison and that his exiting.

The Matrix

 In the matrix there is a lot of low key lighting so we can focus on the main characters. Non diagetic music is used to put the audience on edge as it is an action film.There are also non diagetic sound effects that are over exaggerated when there is fighting going on. The men wear suits and glasses and the women wears all black latex because of the costumes we can't really tell who is good and bad. Slow motion is used when the girl is having a fight and when she jumps from one building to the other this it so show how extreme the jump was. The pace soon speeds up when she is running away.


In clueless a birds eye view is used when everyone is in the car driving. The scene changes a lot so we can see how busy and fun her life is. From the setting we can tell she is upper class also by her car and her machine that chooses her outfit for her. There is a voice over done by the main character to explain what goes on. She looks after her dad when it should be the other way round.

Boys n the hood
The film starts with violent shooting and a bit of dialogue, you can't see anything at this point apart from the title of the film this creates people wondering who's being shot and creates suspense. You can then hear a kid saying that its his brother that has  been shot this is an important bit of dialogue. The camera then focuses on a stop sigh using an long shot and then it zooms into and close us.The stop sign symbolises that something in the environment needs to stop. It is high key lighting as it is very natural. From the location we can tell the it is an very unsafe environment to live in and that is dodgy due to the shootings and the streets. The music is non diagetic when the 4 kids are out together. The teachers body language shows that she doesn't really care about the kids especially when they are fighting this shows the kids are also naughty

Thursday 26 September 2019

premiere practice

This is my premiere practice, During this video I explored using lots of different transitions and effects between the videos. I also learned how to constant gain the music as the animals started dancing and fade it out at the end as they drove of into the city. I chose this song as i thought the beat went well with the animals dancing. At the start i used a video of James bond jumping, to make this better i could've added some music with it. The transitions make the video better because if it didn't have them it would just be one long video. They help break up the video and make it more exciting to watch.

Monday 23 September 2019

Mise en scene

Make up


high key lighting- more filler lights are used, lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes- produces brightly lit sets or sunny day
low key lighting-created by using only the key and back lights
- produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas

Thursday 12 September 2019

media language and theory

SEMIOTICS - the study of signs

-Choosing an image to represent the an idea
-Anything which stands for 'something else'

Denotation- what we see when we look at an image (what it is) 

Connotation - what we understand from this image

Stuart Hall

developed a theory audiences can have different reactions reactions to a media text whether it be a film or documentary. Polysemia theory 

Preferred reading - how the creator wants the audience to view the media text
Oppositional reading - where the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader

- the rose means a lot to belle as shes holding it delicately and sort of looking down at it
- she is the main character as well as the beast because they are bigger than the other characters
- the objects all move and play a part in the movie
-the man below belle fancies bell, bad character he is wearing red and so is his friend is wearing red this shows they could be the bad people in the film as the rest of the image is blue
- the beast people find scary by the way he looks and he lives in a castle as it is right by his side
- The beast looks angry by his face expression
- it looks quite magical by the castle and the color blue

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Genre task

The genre I had was Spy, I thought this picture wasn't the best for a spy movie but i thought someone hiding behind something makes you think of a Spy as spies can't be seen. Although you can see me it was because i was going to move position and be sneaky like spies are. I think the use of the black glasses created a spy look as spies wear black and normally do have classes. I also was holding a weapon because spies hold and carry them around. The background of the picture isn't very ideal.

This picture represents the genre Spy as he is wearing all black and has a weapon in his had. Most spies are boys. The location of the picture isn't the best because it is in the middle of a playground but the effect of him looking like he is going to run makes us think he is in the middle of some sort of mission. The use of the all black outfit gives of the spy look.
The other genre i had was Romance. I think this picture emphasizes love and romance as it is a couple looking so happy and touching each other. The smile on their faces show how happy they are together. No props was used in this image. To make it better i could've tried taking more photos using different angles.

This image shows romance as he is proposing, the use of the ring makes it seem so real. The smile on his face shows he is really happy with what he is about to do. This relates to romance as there is always a happy ending with a wedding or the boy and girl being together.. The good weather makes the mood even better as it creates the scene. 

This image shows some romance but not as good as the others as the only interaction they have is holding hands. They don't really look in love as they are looking away and not at eachother. This seems more like a friendship.

Monday 9 September 2019



Describe - location, season, time period, weather
In detail
Setting- location, season, time period, weather
Theme- guilt, revenge, good vs evil, love
Icons- significant props such as a weapon or wallet
Narrative- how a story is told
Character- boy/girl, background
Textual analysis- style of camera, editing

Setting- It is dark and in doors however there is a bit of light coming through the window this makes me think that there is hope and that it doesn't end all badly. The is also no furniture in the room it is empty
Theme- it is a horror we can tell by the scary nun in the dark room, horror films normally have a scary person and the person that always survives. 
Icons- necklace with a cross on it this relates to god and they are hoping he will help
Narrative-  the nun is scary and is trying to scare people and hurt the kid
Characters- Girl standing by the window looking like shes about to fall or jump, a scary nun which is the scary person in the movie that no one likes, women holding the cross
Textual analysis-  Big capital letters saying the title of the film

summer work